Invitation Labor der Plötzlichkeit
Invitation Labor der Plötzlichkeit
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Photo: Martina Lajczak
Exhibition, workshops, screenings and discourse 
AIL - Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab
Vienna, 6.10.-26.10.2016 

In a laboratory and experimental setting, objects are collected that are either products of the effects of lightning or electrically charged themselves – ranging from the historical electrostatic generator, fulgurites and tesla coils to contemporary artworks.
The highly charged collection of items diffuse over the course of the event – the exhibition objects are spread and scattered across the space of AIL. The different daily constellations offer a new way of looking at the material. Additional discursive formats expand the field of research and explore the phenomenon of electrostatic discharge in other practices and areas of expertise.
Anita Bauer & Günther Oberleitner & Nadja Schreier, Florian BettelDietmar Brehm, Chris Burden, Laura Egger-Karlegger & Sarah Podbelsek, Judith Fegerl, Brigitte FeldererNikolaus Gansterer, Anna Jordan & Maria Mäser, Uli Kühn & Robert Zimmermann, Peter Kutin, David Moises & Chris Janka, Stephan Pack, Lisl Ponger, Lissie Rettenwander, Philip Röttl, Alexander Trnka,
Bernhard WeingartnerKarl Wratschkoamong others.
Katrin Nora Kober (idea and curation) & Christoph Kaltenbrunner
Assisted by Anita Bauer, Konrad Cernohous, Anna Jordan, Sarah Radatz, Philip Röttl, Stefan Ryba, Nadja Schreier and Martina Zodl.
Supporting programme
6 Oct, 19:00 
Aktivierung des Labors // OPENING 
With performances by Nikolaus Gansterer, Uli Kühn und Alexander Trnka, Lissie Rettenwander 

8 Oct, 19:00 
Empörung als Entladung? Über Politik, Aktivismus und Protest // DISCOURSE
Gerald Bast in conversation with Klaus Werner-Lobo (author, activist and clown) 

12 Oct, 13:00 
CURATOR's TOUR with Katrin Kober

14 Oct / 15 Oct 
DIY Teslaspule 1 – Funktion verstehen und selber bauen // WORKSHOP 
Alexander Trnka (Nikola Tesla expert) assisted by from Philip Röttl 

14 Oct, 19:30 
Blitzkino – Eine popkulturelle Jagd nach elektrischen Funken und Entladungen in Film und Fernsehen // SCREENING 
Laura Egger-Karlegger and Sarah Podbelsek 

15 Oct, 19:00 
Zwischen Bedrohung und Beherrschung – Blitzforschung, Technik, Utopie // DISCOURSE 
Brigitte Felderer in conversation with Stephan Pack (High-voltage Engineer und lightning expert) 

19 Oct 
Besuchslabor // GUIDED TOUR for pupils
Bernhard Weingartner and students of Angewandte 

19 Oct, 18:00 
CURATOR's TOUR with Katrin Kober 

21 Oct–22 Oct 
DIY Teslaspule 2 – Funktion verstehen und selber bauen // WORKSHOP 

21 Oct, 19:30 
Flashes in Sound and Vision – Von der Frühzeit des Films über eine Mehrkanal-Audio-Performance zur filmischen Avantgarde // SCREENING, PERFORMANCE & LECTURE 
Florian Bettel and Karl Wratschko (filmmaker and curator) 

22 Oct, 19:00 
Geistesblitz und Funkenschlag – Von Witz, Rausch und Pointe // DISCOURSE 
Ernst Strouhal in conversation with August Ruhs (psychiatrist and psychoanalyst) 

26 Oct, 17:00 
Am Ende des Spannungsbogens: Neutralität! // FINISSAGE 
with performance by Chris Janka 

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