Supervision: Katrin Nora Kober und Markus Plasencia/Panthersie für Europa
AHS Bruck an der Mur, 2020-21
AHS Bruck an der Mur, 2020-21
“Pixelpower for Europe” offered participants of 'Makerlab' (a compulsory optional subject at Gymnasium Bruck an der Mur) the opportunity to translate their design ideas into an information campaign. The aim was to make both analogue and - in keeping with this year's implementation as an online event - digital application possible for the “eAktionstage politische Bildung 2021”.
The European Youth Goals were used as the thematic basis. The students were able to choose one of these Youth Goals for their in-depth activity. In terms of content, the project started with a discussion about the impact and possibilities of art and design in the context of political activism.
The planning and implementation of the project took place in a cooperative process between students, external workshop leaders and teachers at eye level. In the process, various digital tools like digital workshop rooms, padlet for collective documenting and graphic design software were used. The opening was held online in a virtual exhibition room in Gathertown that was specifically designed for the occasion.
OeAD - the Österreichische Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung awarded the project a prize in context of their annual focus '[digitale] Schule leben'.