© Jakob Glasner

A project by Jakob Glasner and Katrin Nora Kober (artistic collaborator)
Uhrturm and Kunsthaus Graz, 2023

Starting with the ‘Designmonat’ on the topic of revolution, the Graz clock tower awakens and sends a Morse SOS signal into the night sky via the autonomous use of its lighting. It becomes a beacon of the climate movement and confronts us with the question: Who is going to help our ecosystem and thus our own future?
The translation of the acronym 'SOS' opens up room for interpretation. Save Our Souls? Save our Species? Swap
our System? What shall we save, and what needs to be changed? As in other successful revolutions, the first spark of the clock tower shall spread across the worldwide networks of local institutions (Unesco World Heritage and Design Cities) and cooperation partners (Kunsthaus Graz) onto other landmarks. A ‘landmarksforfuture’ movement could become a symbol of the global solidarity needed in a climate revolution. Because we are all affected and challenged.
As the project host, the economics department of the city of Graz presents selected enterprises, which respond effectively to the challenges of the climate crisis. Cooperation partners are invited, to show a broad spectrum of inspiring actions and use the hashtag #landmarksforfuture on social media to make them visible.

Funded by the economic department of city of Graz. In cooperation with Kunsthaus Graz.
Talk: SOS - Keine Zeit für Ausreden
Katrin Kober und Jakob Glasner im Gespräch mit Thomas Brudermann (Klimapsychologe)
Kunsthaus Graz, 01.06.2023

Warum fällt uns klimafreundliches Handeln so schwer und welche Rolle spielt die Kunst bei der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft?
Talk 'Keine Zeit für Ausreden' © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric
Talk 'Keine Zeit für Ausreden' © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric
Talk 'Keine Zeit für Ausreden' © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric
Talk 'Keine Zeit für Ausreden' © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric
Thomas Brudermann, Katrin Nora Kober und Jakob Glasner © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric
Thomas Brudermann, Katrin Nora Kober und Jakob Glasner © Kunsthaus Graz / A. Juric

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